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小学英语口语朗读:Fake Music

来源:奥数网整理 2022-05-22 19:46:19

  King Xuan of Qi liked listening to a kind of music - yu. 齐国的国君齐宣王爱好音乐,尤其喜欢听吹竽,

  Therefore, he ordered 300 players to make a band to play yu for him.他派人组成了一支300人的乐队在一起合奏给他听,并给这些乐手们很丰厚的报酬。

  A man named Nan Guo heard this news. He went to apply for this job.


  He didn’t know how to play yu, but he told the king that he could play yu very well.他虽然对竽一无所知,但觉得这是个赚钱的好机会。

  King Xuan of Qi was very happy when he heard this and let him be a member of the band.于是南郭跑到齐宣王那里去,吹嘘自己的竽吹得有多好,齐宣王听后便信以为真了,很爽快地收下了他。

  From then on, he played fake music every day and was paid like others until King Xuan of Qi died.这以后,南郭先生就随那300人一块儿合奏给齐宣王听,每逢演奏的时候,南郭先生就捧着竽混在队伍中,人家摇晃身体他也摇晃身体,人家摆头他也摆头,脸上装出一副动情忘我的样子,居然没有被任何人看出破绽来。但是好景不长,过了几年,齐宣王死了,他的儿子继承了王位。

  King Min succeeded to the throne after King Xuan died. He also loved to listen to yu. 年轻的王子也爱听吹竽,可是他和齐宣王不一样,

  But he liked to listen to solos.他认为独奏更加动听,一群人一块儿吹实在太吵。

  When Nan Guo heard about this news, he was so afraid that he ran away at night.南郭先生得到这个消息之后吓出了一身冷汗。他想来想去,觉得这次再也混不过去了,只好连夜收拾行李逃走了。


  Fraud will not stand the test of time and will eventually reveal itself.


  1. order:命令

  2. apply:申请

  3. a member of...:......的一员

  4. fake:假的,伪造的

  5. succeed to:继承

  6. throne:王位

  7. solo:独奏



